

2013年1月22日 星期二

LAUGHTER, 1920. part 5



By Max Beerbohm


Nor does it seem to me to matter one jot how such laughter is achieved. Humour may rollick on high planes of fantasy or in depths of silliness. To many people it appeals only from those depths. If it appeal to them irresistibly, they are more enviable than those who are sensitive only to the finer kind of joke and not so sensitive as to be mastered and dissolved by it. Laughter is a thing to be rated according to its own intensity.


Many years ago I wrote an essay in which I poured scorn on the fun purveyed by the music halls, and on the great public for which that fun was quite good enough. I take that callow scorn back. I fancy that the fun itself was better than it seemed to me, and might not have displeased me if it had been wafted to me in private, in presence of a few friends. A public crowd, because of a lack of broad impersonal humanity in me, rather insulates than absorbs me. Amidst the guffaws of a thousand strangers I become unnaturally grave. If these people were the entertainment, and I the audience, I should be sympathetic enough. But to be one of them is a position that drives me spiritually aloof. Also, there is to me something rather dreary in the notion of going anywhere for the specific purpose of being amused. I prefer that laughter shall take me unawares. Only so can it master and dissolve me. And in this respect, at any rate, I am not peculiar. In music halls and such places, you may hear loud laughter, but — not see silent laughter, not see strong men weak, helpless, suffering, gradually convalescent, dangerously relapsing. Laughter at its greatest and best is not there.

jot [記憶法] [dʒɑt; dʒɔt] 絲毫 (不…) ,一點也 (不…)
rollick [記憶法] [`rɑlɪk; 'rɔlik] 嬉戲; 歡鬧
appeal [記憶法] [ə`pil; ə'pi:l] 有吸引力
enviable [記憶法] [`ɛnvɪəbl; 'ɛnviəbl] 令人羨慕的
master [記憶法] [`mæstɚ; 'mɑ:stə] 支配; 征服
dissolve [記憶法] [dɪ`zɑlv; di'zɔlv] 溶解
intensity [記憶法] [ɪn`tɛnsətɪ; in'tɛnsəti] 強度
pour [記憶法] [por, pɔr, pʊr; pɔ:] 倒出<液體等>
scorn [記憶法] [skɔrn; skɔ:n] 輕蔑,蔑視,嘲笑
purvey [記憶法] [pɚ`vɛ; pə'vɛi] 供應,供給
callow [記憶法] [`kælo; 'kælou] 年輕無經驗的
displeased [記憶法] 不高興的,生氣的
waft [記憶法] [wæft, wɑft; wɑ:ft, wɔft] 使 <東西、氣味等> (隨風) 飄蕩
impersonal [記憶法] [ɪm`pɝsnl; im'pə:snl] 不摻雜個人感情的
insulate [記憶法] [`ɪnsəˌlɛt, `ɪnsjʊ-; 'insjulɛit] 使… 隔絕
guffaw [記憶法] [gʌ`fɔ, gə`fɔ; gʌ'fɔ:] 大笑; 哄笑
aloof [記憶法] [ə`luf; ə'lu:f] 冷漠的,疏遠的
dreary [記憶法] [`drɪrɪ; 'driəri] 無聊的,乏味的
notion [記憶法] [`noʃən; 'nouʃn] 想法,意見
amused [記憶法] 感到有趣的,好玩的
unawares [記憶法] [ˌʌnə`wɛrz; ˌʌnə'wɛəz] 出乎意料地,冷不防地
peculiar [記憶法] [pɪ`kjuljɚ; pi'kju:ljə] 獨特的,專有的
convalescent [記憶法] [ˌkɑnvə`lɛsnt; ˌkɔnvə'lɛsnt] 復原期的,病剛好的
relapsing [記憶法] [醫] 復發的, 回歸的



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