
2012年12月27日 星期四

LAUGHTER, 1920. part 3



By Max Beerbohm


At least, I say I do so. In point of fact, I have merely smiled. Twenty years ago, ten years ago, I should have laughed, and have professed to you that I had merely smiled. A very young man is not content to be very young, nor even a young man to be young: he wants to share the dignity of his elders. There is no dignity in laughter, there is much of it in smiles. Laughter is but a joyous surrender, smiles give token of mature criticism. It may be that in the early ages of this world there was far more laughter than is to be heard now, and that aeons hence laughter will be obsolete, and smiles universal — every one, always, mildly, slightly, smiling. But it is less useful to speculate as to mankind's past and future than to observe men. And you will have observed with me in the club-room that young men at most times look solemn, whereas old men or men of middle age mostly smile; and also that those young men do often laugh loud and long among themselves, while we others — the gayest and best of us in the most favourable circumstances — seldom achieve more than our habitual act of smiling. Does the sound of that laughter jar on us? Do we liken it to the crackling of thorns under a pot? Let us do so. There is no cheerier sound. But let us not assume it to be the laughter of fools because we sit quiet. It is absurd to disapprove of what one envies, or to wish a good thing were no more because it has passed out of our possession.


merely [記憶法] [`mɪrlɪ; 'miəli] 僅僅,只
professed [記憶法] [[prə`fɛst] 自稱的,假裝的
content [記憶法] [kən`tɛnt; kən'tɛnt] 滿足[於…]的[with]
dignity [記憶法] [`dɪgnətɪ; 'dignəti] 端莊 [莊重], 威嚴
joyous [記憶法] [`dʒɔɪəs; 'dʒɔiəs] <<形容詞>> (文語)= joyful
surrender [記憶法] [sə`rɛndɚ; sə'rɛndə]投降, 放棄
aeon [記憶法] [`iən; 'i:ən] 千萬年(=eon), 永世, 萬古, 極長的時期
obsolete [記憶法] [`ɑbsəˌlit; 'ɔbsəli:t] 廢棄的, 落伍的,老式的,過時的
speculate [記憶法] [`spɛkjəˌlɛt; 'spɛkjulɛit] 思索,沉思,推測
solemn [記憶法] [`sɑləm; 'sɔləm] 一本正經的,嚴肅的
habitual [記憶法] [hə`bɪtʃʊəl, -tʃʊl; hə'bitjuəl, -tʃul]習慣性的,慣常的
crackling [記憶法] 連續的爆裂 [辟啪] 聲
thorn [記憶法] [θɔrn; θɔ:n] 荊棘, 刺, 針
envy [記憶法] [`ɛnvɪ; 'ɛnvi] 嫉妒,羨慕
passed out 離去

