
2012年12月17日 星期一

LAUGHTER, 1920. part 1



By Max Beerbohm


M. Bergson, in his well-known essay on this theme, says...well, he says many things; but none of these, though I have just read them, do I clearly remember, nor am I sure that in the act of reading I understood any of them. That is the worst of these fashionable philosophers — or rather, the worst of me. Somehow I never manage to read them till they are just going out of fashion, and even then I don't seem able to cope with them. About twelve years ago, when every one suddenly talked to me about Pragmatism and William James, I found myself moved by a dull but irresistible impulse to try Schopenhauer, of whom, years before that, I had heard that he was the easiest reading in the world, and the most exciting and amusing. I wrestled with Schopenhauer for a day or so, in vain. Time passed; M. Bergson appeared and for his hour was lord of the ascendant; I tardily tackled William James. I bore in mind, as I approached him, the testimonials that had been lavished on him by all my friends. Alas, I was insensible to his thrillingness. His gaiety did not make me gay. His crystal clarity confused me dreadfully. I could make nothing of William James. And now, in the fullness of time, I have been floored by M. Bergson.

Bergson先生,在其與此篇同題目的著名小品文中說到,...呃,他說了很多事;但即使我才剛讀過,沒有一點我能清楚記得,在讀時,我也不確定有任何一部分讀懂了。此事對這些流行哲學家中最糟的,或更準確地說,對我是最糟的。不知何故,我一直到它們不再時尚風行,我才有辦法開始拜讀,即使那時,我似乎也沒能力搞懂。約當十二年前,每個人突然跟我談到實用主義和William James,我發現內心有股隱隱然卻不可抗拒的衝動趨使,想試著讀叔本華的作品。早在更多年之前,我就聽說那是世界上最易讀且最令人興奮而有趣的哲學作品。我與其奮戰了一兩天,徒勞無功。時間過去,當Bergson先生出現,獨領風騷時,我正在遲緩地閱讀William James的作品。當我拜讀時,所有朋友對其佳評如潮的見證我都謹記。唉!我對他所激動的情緒毫無所感。他所歡愉的事並未叫我歡愉。他澄徹明晰思想令我頭昏的可怕。我對William James全讀不懂。而此時,我徹底被Bergson先生的作品擊敗。

essay [記憶法] [`ɛsɪ, `ɛsɛ; 'ɛsɛi, 'ɛsi] 隨筆,小品文
theme [記憶法] [θim; θi:m] 主題,題目
fashionable [記憶法] [`fæʃnəbl; 'fæʃnəbl] 流行的,時尚的
philosopher [記憶法] [fə`lɑsəfɚ; fi'lɔsəfə] 哲學家
cope [記憶法] [kop; koup] 妥善地處理
ascendant [記憶法] [ə`sɛndənt; ə'sɛndənt] <地位、權勢等> 如旭日昇天的,優越的,優勢的
tardily [記憶法] [`tɑrdɪlɪ; 'tɑ:dili] 緩慢地; 緩緩地
tackle [記憶法] [`tækl; tækl] 解決,處理 (問題)
testimonial [記憶法] [ˌtɛstə`monɪəl; ˌtɛsti'mounjəl] 證明書,推薦書
lavish [記憶法] [`lævɪʃ; 'læviʃ] 不吝嗇的,慷慨的
alas [記憶法] [ə`læs; ə'læs] 唉!哎!呀!
insensible [記憶法] [ɪn`sɛnsəbl; in'sɛnsəbl] 無知覺的,無感覺的
thrillingness [記憶法] n.毛骨悚然, 震顫
gaiety [記憶法] [`gɛətɪ; 'gɛiəti] 歡樂,愉快,興高采烈
gay [記憶法] [gɛ; gɛi] 歡欣的,快活的,快樂的
crystal [記憶法] [`krɪstl; 'kristl] 水晶似的,清澈的,晶瑩透明的
clarity [記憶法] [`klærətɪ; 'klærəti] 明確,明晰
dreadfully [記憶法] [-fəlɪ; -fuli] 可怕地,恐怖地
floor [flor, flɔr; flɔ:] 徹底打敗

