
2012年11月23日 星期五

[短文閱讀] 罪行 part 3



By Max Beerbohm


Has a profound knowledge of human character, and an essentially sane outlook' said one of the critics quoted at the end of the book that I had chosen. The wind and the rain in the chimney had not abated, but the fire was bearing up bravely. So would I. I would read cheerfully and without prejudice. I poked the fire and, pushing my chair slightly back, lest the heat should warp the book's covers, began Chapter I. A woman sat writing in a summer-house at the end of a small garden that overlooked a great valley in Surrey. The description of her was calculated to make her very admirable — a thorough woman, not strictly beautiful, but likely to be thought beautiful by those who knew her well; not dressed as though she gave much heed to her clothes, but dressed in a fashion that exactly harmonised with her special type. Her pen 'travelled' rapidly across the foolscap, and while it did so she was described in more and more detail.


But at length she came to a ' knotty point' in what she was writing. She paused, she pushed back the hair from her temples, she looked forth at the valley; and now the landscape was described, but not at all exhaustively, it, for the writer soon overcame her difficulty, and her pen travelled faster than ever, till suddenly there was a cry of 'Mammy!' and in rushed a seven-year-old child, in conjunction with whom she was more than ever admirable; after which the narrative skipped back across eight years, and the woman became a girl, giving as yet no token of future eminence in literature but — I had an impulse which I obeyed almost before I was, conscious of it.


profound [記憶法] [prə`faʊnd; prə'faund] 思考深刻的
essentially [記憶法] [ə`sɛnʃəlɪ; i'sɛnʃəli] 本質上
abate [記憶法] [ə`bɛt; ə'bɛit] 減輕
bear [記憶法] [bɛr; bɛə] 耐得住
cheerfully [`tʃɪrfəli] ad. 高高興興地
prejudice [記憶法] [`prɛdʒədɪs; 'prɛdʒudis] 偏見,歧視,成見
warp [記憶法] [wɔrp; wɔ:p] 使…彎曲
overlook [記憶法] [ˌovɚ`lʊk; ˌouvə'luk] 俯瞰,環視
calculated [記憶法] 有計畫的
admirable [記憶法] [`ædmərəbl; 'ædmərəbl] 令人驚歎的
thorough [記憶法] [`θɝo; 'θʌrə] 一絲不苟的
strictly [記憶法] [`strɪktlɪ; 'striktli] 完全,全然,斷然
heed [記憶法] [hid; hi:d] 注意,留心,留意
harmonize [記憶法] [`hɑrməˌnaɪz; 'hɑ:mənaiz] 融洽, 相配
foolscap [記憶法] [`fulˌskæp; 'fu:lskæp] 大頁書寫紙(大約 43 公分*34 公分)
knotty [記憶法] [`nɑtɪ; 'nɔti] <問題等>紛亂的,困難的
temple [記憶法] [`tɛmpl; 'tɛmpl] 太陽穴
landscape [記憶法] [`lænskɛp, `lænd-; 'lændskɛip] (田園風景等可以一眼眺望的) 景色,風景
exhaustive [記憶法] [ɪg'zɔ:stɪv]徹底的,無遺漏的
conjunction [記憶法] [kən`dʒʌŋkʃən; kən'dʒʌŋkʃn] 與…結合在一起
narrative [記憶法] [`nærətɪv; 'nærətiv] 敘述手法, 故事
token [記憶法] [`tokən; 'toukən] 表徵,象徵,記號, 證據
eminence [記憶法] [`ɛmənəns; 'ɛminəns] 卓越; 聞名; 著名
literature [記憶法] [`lɪtərətʃɚ; 'litərətʃə] 文學
impulse [記憶法] [`ɪmpʌls; 'impʌls] 衝動
conscious [記憶法] [`kɑnʃəs; 'kɔnʃəs] 意識到<…>的

