

2012年11月17日 星期六

[短文閱讀] 罪行 part 2



By Max Beerbohm


I sat down before that blaze. Despair had been warded off. Gloom, however, remained; and gloom grew. I felt that I should prefer any one's thoughts to mine. I rose, I returned to the books. A dozen or so of those which were on the lowest of the three shelves were full-sized, were octavo, looked as though they had been bought to be read. I would exercise my undoubted right to read one of them. Which of them? I gradually decided on a novel by a well-known writer whose works, though I had several times had the honour of meeting her, were known to me only by repute.


I knew nothing of them that was not good. The lady's 'output' had not been at all huge, and it was agreed that her 'level' was high. I had always gathered that the chief characteristic of her work was its great ' vitality.' The book in my hand was a third edition of her latest novel, and at the end of it were numerous press-notices, at which I glanced for confirmation. ' Immense vitality,' yes, said one critic. 'Full,' said another, 'of an intense vitality.' 'A book that will live,' said a third. How on earth did he know that? I was, however, very willing to believe in the vitality of this writer for all present purposes. Vitality was a thing in which she herself, her talk, her glance, her gestures, abounded. She and they had been, I remembered, rather too much for me. The first time I met her, she said something that I lightly and mildly disputed. On no future occasion did I stem any opinion of hers. Not that she had been rude. Far from it.


She had but in a sisterly, brotherly way, and yet in a way that was filially eager too, asked me to explain my point. I did my best. She was all attention. But I was conscious that my best, under her eye, was not good. She was quick to help me: she said for me just what I had tried to say, and proceeded to show me just why it was wrong. I smiled the gallant smile of a man who regards women as all the more adorable because logic is not their strong point, bless them! She asked — not aggressively, but strenuously, as one who dearly loves a joke — what I was smiling at. Altogether, a chastening encounter; and my memory of it was tinged with a feeble resentment. How she had scored! No man likes to be worsted in argument by a woman. And I fancy that to be vanquished by a feminine writer is the kind of defeat least of all agreeable to a man who writes.


A 'sex war,' we are often told is to be one of the features of the world's future — women demanding the right to do men's work, and men refusing, resisting, counter-attacking. It seems likely enough. One can believe anything of the world's future. Yet one conceives that not all men, if this particular evil come to pass, will stand packed shoulder to shoulder against all women. One does not feel that the dockers will be very bitter against such women as want to be miners, or the plumbers frown much upon the would-be steeple-jills. I myself have never had my sense of fitness jarred, nor a spark of animosity roused in me, by a woman practising any of the fine arts — except the art of writing. That she should write a few little poems or pensées, or some impressions of a trip in a dahabieh as far as (say) Biskra, or even a short story or two, seems to me not wholly amiss, even though she do such things for publication.


But that she should be an habitual, professional author, with a passion for her art, and a fountain-pen and an agent, and sums down in advance of royalties on sales in Canada and Australia, and a profound knowledge of human character, and an essentially sane outlook, is somehow incongruous with my notions — my mistaken notions, if you will — of what she ought to be.


despair [記憶法] [dɪ`spɛr; di'spɛə] 絕望
octavo [記憶法] [ɑk`tɛvo; ɔk'tɛivou] 八開本
exercise [記憶法] [`ɛksɚˌsaɪz; 'ɛksəsaiz] 行使權力
undoubted [記憶法] [ʌn`daʊtɪd; ʌn'dautid] 無庸置疑的
repute [記憶法] [rɪ`pjut; ri'pjut] 名氣
characteristic [記憶法] [ˌkærɪktə`rɪstɪk; ˌkærəktə'ristik] 特質,特性,特色
vitality [記憶法] [vaɪ`tælətɪ; vai'tæləti] 活力
immense [記憶法] [ɪ`mɛns; i'mɛns] 無限的, 巨大的
critic [記憶法] [`krɪtɪk; 'kritik] 評論家
abound [記憶法] [ə`baʊnd; ə'baund] 豐富,大量存在
lightly [`laɪtlɪ; 'laitli] 輕輕地,輕微地
dispute [記憶法] [dɪ`spjut; di'spju:t] 有異議,爭論
stem [記憶法] [stɛm; stɛm] 抵抗 <時代潮流等>
rude [記憶法] [rud; ru:d] 不禮貌的
filial [記憶法] [`fɪlɪəl; 'filiəl] (作為) 子女的
gallant [記憶法] [`gælənt; 'gælənt] 英勇的
adorable [記憶法] [ə`dorəbl, ə`dɔr-; ə'dɔ:rəbl] 可愛的; 迷人的
strenuously [記憶法] adv.奮發地, 費力地
dearly [記憶法] [`dɪrlɪ; 'diəli] 由衷地,深切地,深深地
chasten [記憶法] ['tʃɛɪsən] 改正, 磨練
tinged [記憶法] 淡色的
feeble [記憶法] ['fɪ:bəl] 微弱的
resentment [記憶法] [ rɪ'zɛntmənt ] 憤恨,惱怒
fancy [記憶法] [`fænsɪ; 'fænsi] 幻想
vanquished [記憶法] [`væŋkwɪʃt; 'væŋkwiʃt] 被征服的; 被擊敗的
feminine [記憶法] [`fɛmənɪn; 'fɛminin] 女的,婦女的
defeat [記憶法] [dɪ`fit; di'fi:t] 打敗
packed [記憶法] [pækt] 擠得滿滿的,擁擠的
docker 《源自 dock》<<可數名詞>> 碼頭工人,船塢工人 (longshoreman)
steeple [記憶法] ['stɪ:pəl] 尖塔,尖閣
fitness [記憶法] n. 適合, 合宜, 合理, 恰當, 健康 [醫] 適合性, 適應性
jar [記憶法] [dʒɑr; dʒɑ:] 震動, 刺激
animosity [記憶法] [ˌænə`mɑsətɪ; ˌæni'mɔsəti] 敵意,憎惡; 仇恨
rouse [記憶法] [raʊz; rauz] 激起, 挑動, 惹起
practice [記憶法] [`præktɪs; 'præktis] 練習
poem [記憶法] [`po.ɪm; 'pouim] 詩; 韻文
habitual [記憶法] [hə`bɪtʃʊəl, -tʃʊl; hə'bitjuəl, -tʃul]習慣性的,慣常的
sane [記憶法] [sɛn; sɛin] 神志清明的,頭腦清醒的



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