
2012年11月9日 星期五

[短文閱讀] 罪行 part 1



By Max Beerbohm

On a bleak wet stormy afternoon at the outset of last year's Spring, I was in a cottage, all alone, and knowing that I must be all alone till evening. It was a remote cottage, in a remote county, and had been 'let furnished' by its owner. My spirits are easily affected by weather, and I hate solitude. And I dislike to be master of things that are not mine. 'Be careful not to break us,' say the glass and china. 'You'd better not spill ink on me,' growls the carpet. 'None of your dog's-earing, thumb-marking, back-breaking tricks here!' snarl the books.


The books in this cottage looked particularly disagreeable — horrid little upstarts of this and that scarlet or cerulean 'series' of 'standard' authors. Having gloomily surveyed them, I turned my back on them, and watched the rain streaming down the latticed window, whose panes seemed likely to be shattered at any moment by the wind. I have known men who constantly visit the Central Criminal Court, visit also the scenes where famous crimes were committed, form their own theories of those crimes, collect souvenirs of those crimes, and call themselves Criminologists. As for me, my interest in crime is, alas, merely morbid. I did not know, as those others would doubtless have known, that the situation in which I found myself was precisely of the kind most conducive to the darkest deeds. I did but bemoan it, and think of Lear in the hovel on the heath.


The wind howled in the chimney, and the rain had begun to sputter right down it, so that the fire was beginning to hiss in a very sinister manner. Suppose the fire went out! It looked as if it meant to. I snatched the pair of bellows that hung beside it. I plied them vigorously. 'Now mind! — not too vigorously. We aren't yours!' they wheezed. I handled them more gently. But I did not release them till they had secured me a steady blaze.


outset [記憶法] ['autsɛt] 著手, 開頭, 最初
cottage [記憶法] [`kɑtɪdʒ; 'kɔtidʒ] 小別墅
furnished [記憶法] 附有傢俱的
solitude [記憶法] [`sɑləˌtud, -ˌtjud; 'sɔlitju:d] 獨處,獨居
growl [記憶法] [graʊl; graul] 咆哮吼叫
carpet [記憶法] [`kɑrpɪt; 'kɑ:pit] 地毯; 毛毯
snarl [記憶法] [snɑrl; snɑ:l] 吠叫,咆哮
horrid [記憶法] [`hɔrɪd; 'hɔrid] 恐怖的,令人驚恐的,可怕的
upstart [記憶法] ['ʌpsta:t] 暴發戶, 自命不凡者
scarlet [記憶法] [`skɑrlɪt; 'skɑ:lət, -lit] 緋色,深紅色
cerulean [記憶法] [sə`rulɪən; si'ru:ljən] 深藍色的,天藍色的
gloomy [記憶法] [`glumɪ; 'glu:mi] 憂鬱的,悶悶不樂的,情緒低落的
survey [記憶法] [sɚ`vɛ; sə'vɛi, sə:-] 仔細打量
latticed [記憶法] 裝有格子的
pane [記憶法] [pɛn; pɛin] 窗玻璃 (的一片)
souvenir [記憶法] [ˌsuvə`nɪr; ˌsu:və'niə] 紀念品,特產
criminologist [ˌkrɪmə`nɑlədʒɪst; ˌkrimi'nɔlədʒist] 犯罪學家
alas [ə`læs; ə'læs] 唉!哎!呀!
morbid [記憶法] [`mɔrbɪd; 'mɔ:bid] 病態的,不健康的;
conducive [記憶法] [kən`djusɪv; kən'dju:siv] 有助益於的
deed [記憶法] [did; di:d] 行為,行動
bemoan [記憶法] [bɪ`mon; bi'moun] 悲嘆
hovel [記憶法] [`hʌvl; 'hʌvl, 'hɔvl] 簡陋的房屋
howl [記憶法] [haul] 嗥叫
chimney [記憶法] [`tʃɪmnɪ; 'tʃimni] 煙囪
sputter [記憶法] [`spʌtɚ; 'spʌtə] 發出劈啪 [茲茲] 聲
hiss [記憶法] [hɪs; his] 嗤嗤聲; 噓噓聲; 嘶嘶聲
sinister [記憶法] [`sɪnɪstɚ; 'sinistə] 不吉利的,不祥的
snatch [記憶法] [snætʃ; snætʃ] 奪去,抓住,搶去
bellows [記憶法] [`bɛloz; 'bɛlouz] 風箱
wheeze [記憶法] [hwiz, wiz; wi:z, hwi:z] 喘著氣說
blaze [記憶法] [blɛz; blɛiz] 烈火

