
2012年10月25日 星期四

[短文閱讀] 一件紀念品 part 7



By Max Beerbohm

Down below, the sea rustled to and fro over the shingle.'


Or should the lady herself be my informant? For a while, I rather leaned to this alternative. It was more exciting, it seemed to make the writer more signally a man of the world. On the other hand, it was less simple to manage. Wronged persons might be ever so communicative, but I surmised that persons in the wrong were reticent. Mlle. Ange'lique, therefore, would have to be modified by me in appearance and behaviour, toned down, touched up; and poor M. Joumand must look like a man of whom one could believe anything.... She ceased speaking. She gazed down at the fragments of her fan, and then, as though finding in them an image of her own life, whispered, "To think what I once was, monsieur! — what, but for him, I might be, even now!" She buried her face in her hands, then stared out into the night. Suddenly she uttered a short, harsh laugh.

抑或是女士自己會當我的消息來源?好一陣子,我甚鐘愛這個做法。如此安排更令人興奮,能使作者更顯得像世間的男人。另一方面說,這較不易處理。受委屈的人恐怕是絮叨不休的。但在我的設想裡,受委屈者是沈默不語的。因此我修改Ange'lique小姐的形象言行,讓她柔和些,加些潤飾;而可憐的Joumand肯定是個會相信任何事的那種人…… 她不再說話。低頭凝視她的殘扇,彷彿從中發現自己生活的景象,低聲說:「先生,我曾經過得很好,若不是為了他,我仍會是。」她將臉埋在手裡,接著朝外凝視黑夜,突然發出短而刺耳的笑聲。

informant [記憶法] [ɪn`fɔrmənt; in'fɔ:mənt] 情報提供者
lean [記憶法] [lin; li:n] <人、關心等> 傾向 [偏向] [於…],有[…的]趨勢 [toward,to]
alternative [記憶法] [ɔl`tɝnətɪv; ɔ:l'tə:nətiv] [替換…的] (另外) 可採用的方法
exciting [記憶法] [ɪk`saɪtɪŋ; ik'saitiŋ] 令人興奮的,刺激的,使人激動的
signally [記憶法] [-nlɪ; -nəli] (文語)顯著地,非常地
wrong [記憶法] [rɔŋ; rɔŋ] <<及物動詞>> 1 不當地處置<某人>,傷害<某人> 2 誤解<某人>; 冤枉<某人>,中傷<某人>
communicative [記憶法] [kə`mjunəˌkɛtɪv; kə'mju:nikətiv] 愛說話的,口無遮攔的,多嘴的
surmise [記憶法] ['sə:maɪz] n. 推測,猜測; v.推測,猜測
reticent [記憶法] [`rɛtəsnt; 'rɛtisənt] 沉默的,寡言的; 緘默的
tone down 降低, 柔和, 緩和 [經] 降低, 使緩和
touch up v.潤色, 引起
gaze [記憶法] [gɛz; gɛiz] 注視,凝視
whisper [記憶法] [`hwɪspɚ, `wɪ-; 'wispə, 'hw-] 低聲說
bury [記憶法] [`bɛrɪ; 'bɛri]埋,埋藏
utter [記憶法] [`ʌtɚ; 'ʌtə] 自口中發出 <聲音、言語、呻吟、歎息等>
harsh [記憶法] [hɑrʃ; hɑ:ʃ] <聲音>刺耳的

