

2012年9月19日 星期三

[短文閱讀] 一件紀念品 part2



By Max Beerbohm

paragraph 2

Strange that these words had, year after long year, been existing in some obscure cell at the back of my brain! — forgotten but all the while existing, like the trunk in that cupboard. What released them, what threw open the cell door, was nothing but the fragment of a fan; just the butt-end of an inexpensive fan. The sticks are of white bone, clipped together with a semicircular ring that is not silver. They are neatly oval at the base, but variously jagged at the other end. The longest of them measures perhaps two inches. Ring and all, they have no market value; for a farthing is the least coin in our currency. And yet, though I had so long forgotten them, for me they are not worthless. They touch a chord... Lest this confession raise false hopes in the reader, I add that I did not know their owner.


obscure [記憶法] [əb`skjʊr; əb'skjuə] 《1 a. <聲音、形狀等> 不清楚的,模糊的
threw [θru; θru:] <<動詞>> throw的過去式
fragment [記憶法] [`frægmənt; 'fræ^mənt] 碎片
butt [記憶法] [bʌt; bʌt] <<可數名詞>> (武器、工具等的) 較粗的一端
stick [記憶法] [stɪk; stik] <<名詞>> 1 (C) a. (細長的) 棍,棒,枝條
clip [記憶法] [klɪp; klip] 《源自古英語「抱住」的意思》(clipped; <<及物動詞>> 1 a. 用夾子夾住<某物>
semicircular [記憶法] 《semicircle 的形容詞》<<形容詞>> 半圓 (形) 的
neatly [記憶法] ['ni:tli] ad. 整潔地, 乾淨地, 勻稱地
oval [記憶法] [`ovl; 'ouvl] 《ovum (卵) 的形容詞》<<形容詞>> 卵形的,橢圓形的
jagged [記憶法] [`dʒægɪd; 'dʒæ^id] <岩石等>鋸齒狀的,有缺口的
farthing [記憶法] [`fɑrðɪŋ; 'fɑ:ðiŋ] 《源自古英語「四分之一fourth」的意思》<<名詞>> (英) 1 (C)法辛 (英國的小銅幣,值1/4便士,1961 年作廢)
touch [記憶法] [tʌtʃ; tʌtʃ] 輕按[敲] <鈴、鋼琴琴鍵等>
chord [記憶法] [kɔrd; kɔ:d] 《cord 的變形》<<可數名詞>> 1 (古.詩) (樂器的) 弦 2 (特殊的) 感情,心弦
lest [記憶法] [lɛst; lɛst] <<連接詞>> 1 以免…,因恐…,免得…



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