

2012年9月14日 星期五

[短文閱讀] 今年的全球貿易急轉直下,形勢相當嚴峻


International trade

Boxed in

Global trade has turned down sharply this year. The outlook is pretty bleak, too

TRADE- WATCHERS often look to the oceans to gauge activity. Bustling docks and harbours mean importers and exporters are busy, and trade figures are likely to be strong. Empty quays are ominous. At the end of 2011 data from big ports started to turn choppy, fuelling fears of a slowdown that has come to pass. The OECD reports that exports fell by over 4% in the second quarter of 2012 in Britain and India; Russia and South Africa lost more than 8%. That is particularly bad news for places like Singapore and Hong Kong, which are important trade hubs (see chart 1); open euro-zone countries like Ireland and Belgium are also highly exposed.


The obvious cause of falling trade is the global economic slowdown. Since exports are sales to foreigners, they tend to weaken when buying power is low. That means trade often tracks global GDP quite closely. At a more granular level, too, the patterns of trade match the fortunes of economies. Since 2011, imports into the stagnant European Union have fallen by 4.5%. In contrast the oil-rich Middle East has increased imports by 7.4%.


bleak [記憶法] [blik; bli:k] <環境等> 淒涼的,淒楚的
watcher [記憶法] 觀察家
gauge [記憶法] [gɛdʒ; ^ɛidʒ]評估…; 判斷…
bustling [記憶法] [ˋbʌslɪŋ] 忙碌的,忙亂的,嘈雜的,熙熙攘攘的
quay [記憶法] [ki; ki:] (常指石造或混凝土造的) 碼頭
ominous [記憶法] [`ɑmənəs; 'ɔminəs] 《omen 的形容詞》不祥的,不吉利的; 凶兆的
choppy [記憶法] [`tʃɑpɪ; 'tʃɔpi] 《chop 的形容詞》 斷斷續續的,無關聯的
fuel [記憶法] [`fjuəl; 'fju:əl, fjuəl] 給…添木柴,加燃料於… <船、飛機> 加 [補給] 燃料
slowdown 生意等的衰退
hub [記憶法] [hʌb; hʌb] <<可數名詞>> 中樞, 中心
exposed [記憶法] [ɪkˋspozd]<<形容詞>> 1 暴露於風雨 [攻擊,危險 (等) ] 的
weaken [記憶法] [`wikən; 'wi:kən] 使…變弱,削弱; 使…軟弱,使…虛弱
granular [記憶法] [`grænjəlɚ; 'grænjulə] 《granule 的形容詞》粒狀的; 含顆粒的 (表面) 粗糙的
stagnant [記憶法] [`stægnənt; 'stægnənt] 不活潑的; 不景氣的,蕭條的



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